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property user : "xxxxxx" --FTPのログインID
property passwd : "xxxxxxxxxx" --FTPのログインパスワード
property serverRoot : "ftp://xxxx.xxxxxx.ne.jp" --FTPアドレス
property destDir : serverRoot & "/www/" --アップするパス
property myhours : 2 --何時間前より新しいものをアップ
property labelflg : 1 --ラベルがついていないものをアップ(0にしたらラベルは無視する)


property user : "xxxxxx" --FTPのログインID
property passwd : "xxxxxxxxxx" --FTPのログインパスワード
property serverRoot : "ftp://xxxx.xxxxxx.ne.jp" --FTPアドレス
property destDir : serverRoot & "/www/" --アップするパス
property myhours : 2 --何時間前より新しいものをアップ
property labelflg : 1 --ラベルがついていないものをアップ(0にしたらラベルは無視する)

on run
	global mytime
	global mymsg
	set mymsg to ""
	set mytime to my (current date)
	set mytime to the (mytime) - (myhours * hours)
	set myFol to choose folder with prompt "rootディレクトリのフォルダを選択"
	repeat with myFile in list folder myFol without invisibles
		set targetFile to (myFol as string) & (myFile) as alias
		my upload(targetFile, "")
	end repeat
	display dialog "アップロード完了" & return & mymsg
end run

on open theList
	global mytime
	global mymsg
	set mymsg to ""
	set mytime to my (current date)
	set mytime to the (mytime) - (myhours * hours)
	set myFol to item 1 of theList
	repeat with myFile in list folder myFol without invisibles
		set targetFile to (myFol as string) & (myFile) as alias
		my upload(targetFile, "")
	end repeat
	display dialog "アップロード完了" & return & mymsg
end open

on upload(targetFile, dirname)
	global mytime
	global mymsg
	tell application "Finder"
		set sindex to label index of targetFile
		set mykind to kind of targetFile
		set fname to name of targetFile
		set ext to name extension of targetFile
		set ftime to modification date of targetFile
	end tell
	set upflg to true
	if labelflg is 1 then
		if sindex is not 0 then
			set upflg to false
		end if
	end if
	if upflg is true then
		if mykind is "フォルダ" then
			set myFol to targetFile
			set fPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of targetFile as Unicode text)
			repeat with myFile in list folder myFol without invisibles
				set targetFile to (myFol as string) & (myFile) as alias
				my upload(targetFile, dirname & fname & "/")
			end repeat
			set upflg to false
			if mytime < ftime then
				if ext is "html" or ext is "php" then
					set upflg to true
				else if ext is "inc" then
					set upflg to true
				else if ext is "jpeg" or ext is "jpg" then
					set upflg to true
				else if ext is "gif" or ext is "png" then
					set upflg to true
				end if
				if upflg is true then
					set fPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of targetFile as Unicode text)
					set myScript to "curl --ftp-create-dirs -T " & fPath & " -u " & user & ":" & passwd & " " & destDir & dirname
					--display dialog myScript
						set myResult to (do shell script myScript)
						set mymsg to mymsg & fname & "/"
					on error
						display dialog "シェルスクリプトのエラーです" & fPath
					end try
				end if
			end if
		end if
	end if
end upload


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