
set my_result to choose from list {"なし", "レッド", "オレンジ", "イエロー", "グリーン", "ブルー", "パープル", "グレー"} with prompt "ラベルの色を選択" if my_result is false then return end if set color_name to item 1 of my_result as string if color_name is "なし" then set labelnum to 0 else if color_name is "レッド" then set labelnum to 2 else if color_name is "オレンジ" then set labelnum to 1 else if color_name is "イエロー" then set labelnum to 3 else if color_name is "グリーン" then set labelnum to 6 else if color_name is "ブルー" then set labelnum to 4 else if color_name is "パープル" then set labelnum to 5 else if color_name is "グレー" then set labelnum to 7 end if tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4" tell document 1 set mygraphics to all graphics set imgcount to count mygraphics repeat with N from 1 to imgcount tell item link of item N of mygraphics set Ppath to file path --配置画像の名前 my getFileColor(Ppath) end tell end repeat end tell end tell on getFileColor(Ppath) global labelnum tell application "Finder" set label index of alias Ppath to labelnum end tell end getFileColorこのスクリプトで99個